Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Future of the Ghost: A Blessing for your heart

Ok, so i'm not much of an indie rock person, I once saw Jeff the Brotherhood in concert and lemme just say, I did not like them. But this album is actually great. It's pretty much the epitome of what good, solid indie  rock should be. It's sweet and mellow, but with a good, strong bass line that could send shivers down the spine of Dwayne the rock Johnson.
I first discovered them while perusing my favorite section of a local album store: the sales bin. It had cool looking cover art and it was only two bucks. I figured that if it sucked I could give it to my little brother, who would probably love and cherish it five-ever (ya see what I did there).
This album is perfect for summer days and nights. This being their second album, this three piece salt lake city band really brings the summer sound and oh god I sound like some little Portland hipster kid with a mustache with black rimmed glasses and fake plastic lenses. But I hope you get the point. If you like indie, and you like that "I'm not a seattle garage band but I do have a female bassist, so I'm still cool!" kind of  vibe that only some of the best bands have, then this band will be nothing but summer lovin' for you.

favorite track: "Sixteen"

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